Our Mission The NC Congress of Latino Organizations (aka The Latino Congress) is a statewide, membership led organization that builds power among Latino institutions and their leaders to advance social, racial and economic justice. The Latino Congress works for for the public good by coalescing training, and organizing Latinos across religious, racial, nationality, class, county and neighborhood lines. Our membership consists of more than seventy congregations, community associations, unions and nonprofits in North Carolina representing more than 100,000 individuals.
Our History
The Latino Congress was conceived as part of the community organizing effort that generated the Latino Community Credit Union, a financial institution created after large mobilizations in response to an intense wave of violent crimes and home invasions against unbanked Latinos in Durham. The unprecedented growth of the credit union in Durham (400 members a month), and the need for financial services across the state generated the vision for expansion. The Latino Congress was then envisioned as the statewide field of membership of the credit union. After its initial organizing drive the Latino Congress became an independent non-profit organization in 2004 with the purpose of: